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NEW REVIEWS: The Great North

The Great North” is out, and the reviews are continuing to roll in:

Review Blog: MM Good Book Reviews
Reviewer: Pixie4pt5starsJ. Scott Coatsworth has worked his magic again with the way that his words turn into visions in your mind, his world building is exceptional, dragging you into a scenes that have a simple old world feel to them. I will admit you can easily forget that there was a society with advanced technology that was wiped out until circumstances remind you; it’s quite a powerful bit of world building.

Dwyn & Mael’s relationship is kinda insta-love, but to be honest it fits the story. They have a limited time before Mael has to leave and Dwyn is desperate for more than the life that’s laid out for him, so the circumstances condense their feelings into a short timeframe making them more intense.

The storyline is brilliant, not only do with have an impending sense of doom of a forced marriage, a devastating snow storm and a mysterious spirit but we also have Dwyn’s internal struggle as he battles between what he really wants and what his father demands.

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Review Blog: Cia’s Stories
Reviewer: Cia Nordwell5stars

Today I finally get to share my review of The Great North by J. Scott Coatsworth (I loved it, 5 stars all the way!).
Post-apocalypse meets pastoral in The Great North by J. Scott Coatsworth. The story has bits and pieces of the modern world sprinkled in, laid waste by the idiocy of man, of course, that highlight the fact the world has changed in the future. But the majority of the story reads much like a tale you’d expect from the past when farming held sway and a single storm could decimate a people.

What I really liked about The Great North was the way the new reality shaped the cultures of the people, and how, even though they were relatively close in distance, Dwyn and Mael’s people took completely different paths to survival. While the science isn’t named outright, the story themes include genetics, highlighting how insular the different towns are, based on the character’s fascination with each other’s coloring (as each village seems to skew toward a basic ‘type’) as well as sexuality because, face it, when extinction is on the line and numbers are dwindling, not having kids just isn’t an option, especially when you have a small pool to begin with.

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Review Blog: Anna Butler Fiction
Reviewer: Anna Butler

I’ve always thought that in a post-apocalyptic Earth the likelihood of large, relatively well-organised societies a la Hunger Games is rather remote. We’re far more likely to devolve into small, enclosed communities almost mediaeval in their feudal isolationism and—because man is always looking for proof that he isn’t to blame but someone else must be, and religion is always handy to provide good targets—tending to fundamentalist beliefs. J Scott Coatsworth evidently agrees and I found his set up of insular, almost chokingly-small communities to be both realistic and well portrayed. Scott is always stellar at world-building. It’s one of his strengths and it plays out well here.

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