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Point of View: This is the Week


You know when you have a big event coming up, something that could redefine your entire life? I’m looking down the barrel of one of those right now. On Friday, my very first novel – Skythane – comes out from Dreamspinner Press.

I’m also waiting for responses this month on my second novel and a novella. This could be when things really take off for me.


This could be a moment when nothing really changes.

It’s a strange place to be in, this anticipatory time. Checking my author account to see how many pre-sales I have daily. Okay, twice a day. Okay, maybe every hour. Putting together a blog tour that kicks off on release day, too – a huge amount of work, and I have no idea if it will work or not, although I am inordinately grateful to all the folks who worked with me to make it happen.

Scrambling to do whatever else I can to ensure a good launch.

Time is quickly getting away from me.

I think I’ve done everything I could – I wrote a great story, I found a terrific publisher and convinced them to publish it. Then I networked like crazy.

Now I just gotta wait and see.

For my author friends out there, how was it for you when your first novel came out? Did the anticipation make you nuts? What did you do to help ensure its success? What did you do if it was less than you’d hoped?

If you want to ease my mind a little *grin* you can preorder Skythane here:

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