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Today’s Blog Tour Stop for The Autumn Lands

Cate AshwoodToday I’m stopping by Cate Ashwood’s blog to answer some interview questions – Thanks Cate!

How do you think your writing has developed since you started?

Oh, it’s gotten much better. I first started writing when I was in fourth or fifth grade. I wrote on and off until my early twenties, when I finished my first novel. When it and five or ten short stories were all rejected, I kind of lost momentum, and though I tried to come back to it several times, it never really stuck.

Somehow, though, I had this idea in the back of my head that if I waited until I was in my forties, I’d have a lot more life experience to draw on. When I was 45, I dove back in, and it was true. My writing was deeper, richer. But I’d also allowed my creative writing muscles to get slack. So I started with short stories, learning again how to put together a compelling stories. I moved up to novellas, and now am once again ready to tackle novels.

How do you fit in writing in such a busy life?

I have a set time each day when I write. It sometimes creeps into other times too, but I try to always be writing or editing between noon and 1:30, no matter what. Working 70-80 hours a week on our own business, it’s imperative to have a regular time.

See the full interview here.

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