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Author Spotlight: Bellora Quinn

Bellora Quinn

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Bellora Quinn, a Tampa-area MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con. We enjoyed spending time with Bellora, who writes the Aura series with our own Angel Martinez. Thanks so much, Bellora, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Bellora Quinn: I don’t know what the technical term for it would be, but if I had to try and describe my writing style I’d say … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Rory Ni Coileain

Rory Ni Coileain logo

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Rory Ni Coileain, another great MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con. We had a great time with Rory – she’s sweet, sassy and a real kick. Thanks so much, Rory, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Rory Ni Coileain: MM mythic and legendary fantasy – and, presently, erotic romance. The fantasy element is every bit as important to me as the romance; … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Victoria Sue

Victoria Sue

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Victoria Sue, aka Sue Kellett, an amazing MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con and got along famously with. Thanks so much, Sue, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Victoria Sue: So far I have done mm contemporary, paranormal, and my current WIP is mm English regency historical (Think two Mr. Darcy’s – yum). I also have done and are doing m/f paranormal. … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Anastasia Vitsky

Anastasia Vitsky

Today I’m launching a new feature on my blog – the Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. My first one, Anastasia (Ana) Vitsky, is an amazing FF writer who also heads up our monthly FF takeover on the Queer Sci Fi Facebook page. Thanks so much, Ana, for kicking things off! I was stumped how to answer some of Scott’s questions, so I asked my readers how they would do it. Here are their answers, followed by my responses. J. Scott Coatsworth: How … Read more