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New Release: Last Generation – E. Robert Dunn

Last Generation - E. Robert Dunn

E. Robert Dunn has a new queer sci-fi book out, Echelon’s End book one: Last Generation. The year is 6752, A.T. and Earth is but a memory to its space faring descendents. The urbane beings of The System embark on a test-colonization mission to a far off solar group called Mira. The AST [Aidennia-System Transport] Saarien’s flight path is ended abruptly and the colonizing supership explodes under a hail from Tauron Starhounds; a century of peace with the Tauron Empire is fractured. Six Aidennian survivors jettison in a terra-forming conestoga Pioneer Pod. Now, a young male echelon couple and their fellow … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Thorns of Chaos – Jeremiah Cain

Thorns of Chaos - Jeremiah Cain

Jeremiah Cain has a new MM fantasy romance out: Thorns of Chaos. And there’s a giveaway. “Cain crafts a vivid world … rich with detail and myth-lore that traipses brightly through the darker themes of oppression and suffering.” –BookLife Reviews Queer Grimdark Fantasy: Finn is no hero, chosen born, or noble. Despite escalating tensions from the Dayigan soldier’s occupation of Feah lands, the happy-go-lucky twenty-five-year-old is content to spend his days fishing and flirting with the other men in his Celtic-like village. But everything changes at their midyear’s eve festival when an angry Dayigan commander catches Finn in the arms … Read more

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Point of View: So This is How You’re Gonna Be?

2023 is an asshole

A new year is supposed to be a chance to wipe away all of the old year’s ills. It’s a moment to start fresh – to make ambitious goals and resolutions, and to try some new things. Except when it isn’t. We had no grand ambitions for New Year’s Eve. It’s been years since we actually stayed up until midnight – most years we make it to the New York City ball drop (9 PM here on the West Coast), sip a flute of sparkling cider, and then head for bed. This year, the weather gods came for us instead. … Read more

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Point of View: Writing to Distraction

squirrel - deposit photos

There’s a great skit in Portlandia where Fred Armison plays a character working on his computer, getting calls and messages on his cell phone, alerts on his iPad, and “Netflix” style DVDs in the mail, all of which drives him to distraction. It was hilarious at the time. Who would let themselves be sucked into dealing with so many devices at once? Now a decade later, this is my life. My computer is my window into the world at work. I am constantly checking my email box (twelve separate email addresses and counting), my Facebook comments, and the news – … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: First Born Sons – Vincent Traughber Meis

First Born Sons - Vincent Traughber Meis

Vincent Traughber Meis has a new LGBTQ+ contemporary literary book out (gay, trans FTM, bi, gender fluid): First Born Sons. A group of coastal California residents battle wildfires, racism, and their own demons in five distinct narratives set in late 2019 and 2020. The book is populated by a cast of diverse LGBTQ+ individuals who struggle to find love, comfort, and fulfillment. As the novel progresses, characters interact across the separate narratives and are brought together for a birthday and a disastrous Black Lives Matter demonstration. A man returning to the horrors that made him leave Mississippi, a blind gay … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: She’s the One Who Won’t Behave – S.R. Cronin

COVER - She's the One Who Won't Behave

S.R. Cronin has a new fantasy book out, The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters book 6: She’s the One Who Won’t Behave. And there’s a giveaway! Gypsum, the sixth of seven sisters, has always been a rebel. Yet no one thought she would go so far as to join the reczavy, a group living in tents on the edge of the desert and known for their sexual promiscuity and playful ways. But as the date of the Mongols’ return draws near, Ilarians of all types must work together if they are to have any hope of surviving. And the … Read more

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Author Spotlight / Giveaway: Ira Nayman

Ira Nayman

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Giveaway: The first six commentors will get a free e-book copy of Futures in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear. Today: Ira Nayman is a humor writer who stumbled into speculative fiction over a decade ago and decided to hang about to see what would happen. His eighth novel, The Ugly Truth, will be published by Elsewhen Press in the summer of 2022. His 21st published short story, “Girls Rule the Steampunk World!” will … Read more

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Point of View: I Will Not Be Ashamed

summer of our discontent - deposit photos

This is not a political post, but it does deal with things that are inherently political in nature, as issues in my life often do. If you are offended by this, my email list is probably not a good fit for you. But I wish you well even if you decide to unsubscribe from my list. It was the summer of 1984. I was sixteen years old, and I was fleeing the scene of a crime, moving from Arizona to live in California with my father for a year. The crime was being gay. I had discovered my criminal tendencies … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Trusting the Reader

Does it Matter

I started in on my edits from the amazing Gus Li today for The Dragon Eater, book one of the Tharassas Cycle. Yeah, I know. Been working on this thing forever. More on that front soon. These books have a lot of mind-to-mind talk between humans and other creatures, and I signify it with italics and an en dash at the start and finish: -Are you sure that’s wise? It might be confusing for the reader.- Shut up. Can’t you see I’m writing here? -Let’s see… drooling, fingers sticky with chocolate, blank expression on your face… yeah, you’re writing.- *shoves … Read more

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NEW RELEASE/GIVEAWAY: Blood Bound – Courtney Maguire

Blood Bound

Courtney Maguire has a new MM paranormal historical romance out, Youkai Bloodlines book 3: Blood Bound. And there’s a giveaway! Two hundred years can strain even the seemingly eternal love of the youkai. When Hideyoshi’s coldness drives them apart, Hiro finds comfort in his friendship with Takanori, a vociferous human man he met at a ramen shop and can’t seem to keep away from.. Everything Hiro had to fight for from Hideyoshi, Takanori gives freely, making it all too easy to turn away from his responsibilities–and Hideyoshi–in favor of something sweeter. But while Hiro is off playing human, danger is brewing among … Read more