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Guest Post for “Myths Untold: Faery” at Jessie G. Books

Jessie G. Books hosts a great guest post for Myths Untold: Faery by yours truly – where I talk about my journey as an author:

Jessie G BooksThanks, Jessie, for having me on your blog!

I’ve only been writing this time around for about two years now. I say this time around because I made a go of being an author some twenty five years ago. I wrote a novel in my early twenties, and sent it out to ten publishers. I was sure it would be snapped up and my career as a writer would be assured.

A month went by, then two, and then the rejections began trickling in. One, then two and three and four. This novel of mine that I had worked on for years was being soundly rejected by the New York publishing community.

It took a full year before the last one came back. And then I was done.

Read the Whole Post Here

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