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Mischief Corner Books Quarterly V2 is Out – And I’m In It!

MCB Quarterly

It’s here, it’s here! I have a brand new story, “Translation”, in the new second edition of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly! Four great stories (and more) for just Four Bucks.

You can find it at MCB here:

And at Amazon here.

Here’s an exclusive excerpt from my story:

“Rico,” someone said, shaking his shoulder. “Rico, wake up.”

“What?” Enrico said, turning over. He always slept naked, and as his eyes flickered open, he was surprised to see Dominic. He pulled the sheets up over himself, strangely self-conscious. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before.

“I’m sorry,” Dominic said. “I just needed to talk to someone.”
Enrico sat up, his back against the headboard. “What’s wrong?” He rubbed his eyes sleepily.
Dominic shook his head. “I’m sorry. Never mind, it’s late.” He turned to go, but Enrico caught his hand.

“Sit.” He pulled Dominic down onto the bed. “Come on, out with it.”

Dominic settled down next to him on the bed. “I feel like I’m wasting my life, Rico.” He sighed. “I got another rejection letter today.”

“From who?”

“Putnam. It’s my eleventh. Just one more to go.” He squeezed his hands together in his lap. “What if they all hate it? What if I’m not any good?”

Enrico laughed. “That’s the last thing you have to worry about, Dom. I’ve read your book. It’s brilliant.”

Dominic laughed too. “You have to say that.”

Enrico shook his head. “No, I don’t. Listen, I’ve read the other stuff you’ve written, most of it, and there’s some real crap in there for sure. But you’ve grown as a writer these last five years. If they can’t see that, fuck ’em. You can always self-publish.”

“I guess. It’s just that…”

“You feel a little left behind?” Enrico put an arm around his ex’s shoulder, well aware of his proximity. He missed these late-night talks together. Missed being Dom and Rico. He’d been a fool to let Dom get away.

They were nose to nose, and Enrico thought there was a spark.

But Dominic turned away. “Yeah. A little. I need to make some changes.”

Enrico was silent for a moment. At last, he said. “You could come with me to San Francisco.”
Dominic stared at him. “Really?” He looked surprised. “I don’t think so. It’s sweet of you to offer, but I need to be here. New York is where writers get published.”

Enrico nodded, disappointed, and whatever had been in the air between them slipped away. “I guess. But there’s one other thing I can help you with that will truly change your life for the better,” he said, masking his disappointment with a wicked grin.

“What’s that?”

“I can help you get that boss of yours in bed.”


“I have a five-point plan.”

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