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Point of View: BayCon!

BayCon Book Launch Party 2024

Just got back from BayCon and am madly running around putting things away and processing inventory and sales data, so today will be brief. We had a great time. We ran the LimFic table with Marvin Neu, Bel Sikes, Sheryl Hayes, Denise Tanaka, Amanda Cherry, Lillian Csernica, RL Merrill, Mike Karpa and Sumiko Saulson, and sold a decent amount of books. This was the first year for BayCon under new management – Mark and I are charter members of the reorganized con. And for the next two years, WesterCon and BayCon will merge, so we’re hoping for even more good … Read more

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Review: Skythane

Skythane - J. Scott Coatsworth

Just got a great review of Skythane from Rari at Queer Sci Fi: Genre: Sci-Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book Jameson Havercamp, a psych from a conservative religious colony, has come to Oberon—unique among the Common Worlds—in search of a rare substance called pith. He’s guided through the wilds on his quest by Xander Kinnison, a handsome, cocky wing man with a troubled past. Neither knows that Oberon is facing imminent destruction. Even as the world starts to fall apart around them, they have no idea what’s coming—or the bond that will develop … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Dawn Bonanno

Dawn Bonanno

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Dawn Bonanno lives in the Chicago suburbs with her family, where she works as a real estate paralegal. She suffers from an obsession with pens, paper, and fixing things. She’s a firm believer in balancing sit-down time with movement, so there’s a good chance you’ll find her lifting weights at the gym and riding her bike through the forest preserve. After graduating from the Viable Paradise writing workshop, she joined Codex Writers, … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Ten

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Carmelina and her family prepare for family dinner… < Read Chapter Nine | Read Chapter Eleven > Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter TenSecrets, Lipstick & Matching Khakis Carmelina stared at the blank screen, willing herself … Read more

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Point of View: Making the Cover – The Death Bringer

It’s time once again to share the making of a cover. This time, for the final book of “The Tharassas Cycle” – The Death Bringer. The fabulous Kelley York and Sleepy Fox Studios crafted this one for me. We started with a few possibilities: We tried the last one, an alien creature who looked a bit like a hammerhead shark: Not quite there. So I asked Kelley to try the fourth one: It needed… something. How about some creepy eyes? And finally for the coup de grace… a tail: Put it all together, and: I’m thrilled with the final result, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Peter E. Fenton

Peter E. Fenton

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Peter E. Fenton’s first book, The Woodcarver’s Model came out in April of 2022 and was a four time nominee in the Goodreads M/M Romance Readers’ Choice Awards. His latest book Mann Hunt was released in August of 2023 and was also a nominee in the Goodreads M/M Romance Readers’ Choice Awards. Mann Hunt is the first in the three part Declan Hunt Mysteries series, with Hoodoo House, the next book in … Read more

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Review: The Isle of Skiy – K.L. Noone

The Isle of Skiy - K.L. Noone

Genre: Fantasy, Cozy Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book The Isle of Skiy, surrounded by ocean, is a beautiful, prosperous land where no one ever arrives and no one ever leaves. According to myth, mysterious ocean-dwellers protect the isle, but no one’s ever seen them, and seeking to disturb the peace is forbidden. But Kevane, the newest and youngest Lord of Skiy, can’t help asking questions. And he isn’t the only one. His outwardly tidy household minister Rill possesses radical tendencies and a family secret. Kev’s mother refuses to share what she knows. And … Read more

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Cover Reveal: The Death Bringer – J. Scott Coatsworth

The Death Bringer - J. Scott Coatsworth

It’s time for the cover reveal of the Tharassas Cycle book four: The Death Bringer. AIK WILL NEVER BE THE SAME… AND NEITHER WILL HIS WORLD War is coming. Aik has become the Progenitor, and the Seed Mother has released him to transform the world for her alien brood. Silya and Raven, Aik’s former friends, are the only ones who can save him and the world. But what if the cure is worse than the invasion? As Silya rushes to prepare Gullton for the battle to come, she’s determined to save as many people as she can. But new crises emerge … Read more

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Double Review: The Death Bringer – J. Scott Coatsworth

The Death Bringer - J. Scott Coatsworth

Just got two great early reviews for The Death Bringer: Reviewers: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild; Maryann Preorder Now About The Book AIK WILL NEVER BE THE SAME… AND NEITHER WILL HIS WORLD War is coming. Aik has become the Progenitor, and the Seed Mother has released him to transform the world for her alien brood. Silya and Raven, Aik’s former friends, are the only ones who can save him and the world. But what if the cure is worse than the invasion? As Silya rushes to prepare Gullton for the battle to come, she’s determined to save as many people … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Nine

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Ainsley flirts with a different future… < Read Chapter Eight | Read Chapter Ten > Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter NineHer First Fan Ainsley lay on her back staring up at the poster of one … Read more