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Point of View: The Me Me Awards

Me Me Awards

Today the winners of the MM Romance Readers Choice Awards were announced. I want to give a hearty congratulations to everyone who won – this is your day. You buckled down and worked hard, and it’s a wonderful thing that you won the award. 🙂

However, I am not one of those people.

Oh, I know, it’s an honor to be nominated, right? And yeah, it actually kind of is, because it means someone else thought highly enough of me and my work to put me up next to all of those other great authors.

But for all of us who didn’t win the award today, I am proposing the first annual Me Me Awards – where everyone’s a winner, because you are both the nominator and the judge of your own work.

So I’ll kick off the ceremony. I nominate and choose myself for awards in the following categories:

What The F*%! Was That Ending?
I am happy to accept this award for one of my stories – I can’t tell you which one (hello, spoiler!), but trust me, it is well deserved. Some folks say this award should apply to ALL of my stories. To them, I say “Pfffttthhh.”

Best Gay Story Set in Sacramento
I am thrilled that the judge has noticed my Sacramento-based work on “The River City Chronicles” and in “Between the Lines”, and has bestowed this high honor upon me. I know the competition was fierce, but I can truly say that few people write about Gay Sacramento as well I do. Or at all.

Spacemen and Werewolves? Seriously?
Winning this category is truly one of my proudest achievements. I love blending genres, and I felt that I had to write this one just to see the look on people’s faces when I mentioned my “wolfman-spaceman” story. And oh, was it worth it.

Best Hard-On in an MM Story
Technically I couldn’t lose on this one. I mean, one of the protagonists in “Gargoyle” was a gargoyle (ok, sorry, I should have spoiler-alerted that one), so I pretty much feel like I walked away with this one.

Best Asshole to Nice Guy Turnaround
For my final award of the night, I’d like to thank the judge for recognizing my great work turning around the jerk in “Ten”, who went on ten bad dates and (according to my critics) “acted like a total shit the whole time.” I feel like I really pulled his character out in the end, and it’s fantastic to have this recognized by my peer.

OK, that’s mine. How about yours? Name your award, and tell us why you so richly deserved it.

Let’s have a little fun.

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