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Point of View: Trouble Right Here in River City

River City Chronicles

I’m about to embark on a brand new adventure, something that I as a writer have never done before. I’m going to write a serialized piece of fiction, a story that unfolds slowly and publicly week by week on my blog.

And as if that weren’t enough of a challenge, I’m going to release each new episode simultaneously in both Italian and English.

Several things have come together recently to make this possible:

  • I started a new blog for myself as a writer in June, which needed content
  • I published Between the Lines with Dreamspinner Press in July, a magical realism story set in my current hometown of Sacramento
  • I started re-reading Armistead Maupin’s “Tales of the City” in Italian – the story was originally written in English as a newspaper serial

I’ve been doing a free read feature under the “Weekly Fix” heading on my blog for two months now. But I was almost out of pre-written stories, and I decided I wanted to try something new this time – something fresh that would appeal to me as a writer, my current readers, and my (hoped-for) legions of future readers.

And so The River City Chronicles was born.

It will pick up where Between the Lines left off, with Sam and Brad from that story along with an additional cast of characters inspired by the people I know and love here in Sactown. Each character will follow his or her (or their) own personal story arc or journey, but half the fun will be in seeing how they all interact with each other and with the story’s other major character, the City of Sacramento.

The first scene of TRCC will be up on Thursday. I hope you all will join me for the journey!

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