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Point of View: The Art of the Cover Reveal

A More Perfect UnionYou have a new book coming out, and it’s gonna have a fantastic cover. So what do you do?

You tease it.

And sometimes you get really lucky.

This morning, the cover for a great new anthology I’m a part of, “A More Perfect Union”, is appearing on the USA Today site.

The book is also available for preorder at Dreamspinner and will be available on June 26th – Marriage Equality Day:

The project started last year, a few months before the US Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling. BG Thomas had an idea for an anthology about gay couples getting married, which would be written by gay, married men. He approached me about it around the time of the Dreamspinner conference, and I immediately said yes. It was a hectic time for Mark and I – we had just sold the house and were moving in a couple months, but I buckled down and got to work. The resulting story, Flames, includes a bit of magical realism, and is one of my favorites that I’ve written to date.

When we sat down with Poppy Dennison, the marketing guru at Dreamspinner, she mentioned that she had a contact at the HEA blog on the USA Today site, and she could try to get us a cover reveal there. Of course, we said yes. We’d have been crazy not to, right?

And when the cover samples came in from dreamspinner, BG shared them with us privately and swore us to secrecy. We weren’t allowed to put them online anywhere, even in the marketing group we created for the four of us on Facebook. If they somehow leaked, the exclusive reveal would be off.

So we were really, really careful. Even the related art that Dreamspinner created for us – FB headers, banners and the like – sits in folders on our hard drives waiting for tomorrow, the day after the exclusive release that went up live this morning.

In the end, we hope it will have been worth the wait. While I can’t show you the cover here yet, you *can* see it on the USA Today HEA Blog:

It’s accompanied by a great post from all four of us – BG Thomas, Jamie Fesssenden, Michael Murphy, and myself.

I hope you like it!

Writers, what have you done for your cover reveals?

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