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Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Blog Tour

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 8.47.08 AMWe have our first stops on the Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Blog Tour!

First off, I’m interviewed on Anne Barwell’s “Drops of Ink” blog:
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things (or people) would you want there with you?

Oh, that’s easy – my husband Mark, a bag of double stuff oreos, and a copy of the Silmarillion. I will finish that damned book before I die. Oh, and can I take another bag of Oreos? Who knows how long we’ll be out there.

Thanks, Anne!

Andrew Q. GordonNext up, I have a guest post over at Andrew Q. Gordon’s blog:

It started with the grain of an idea. Looking back on my illustrious story-writing career, which has now spanned almost two full years (at least, the successful part where I actually published some of them), I see that some of my favorite stories came from anthology prompts. And this one was no different…

Thanks for hosting us, Andrew!

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 8.51.54 AMNext, Freddy stops over at Charlie Cochet’s The Purple Rose Tea House:

Many different types of stories get chucked under the “Fantasy” genre these days. Or, at the very least, have fantasy listed as one of the subgenres of the story. There is a lot of intermingling between the genres these days—the lines waning and blurring between the different forms of fiction. Not unlike the reality we currently find ourselves living in. There is so much out there—information, people, ideas, philosophies—that one person would never manage to get through it all…

Thanks, Charlie!

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 8.55.47 AMAnd finally, the book was featured on our own QSF site today:

Mischief Corner Books has a new anthology out, and it features four QSFers: The Autumnal Equinox—when the trees dress in their formal scarlet and gold and the crisp air whispers of chance and change, when bright days turn into sudden storms and the veil between reality and imagination thins. Join the Mischief Corner authors as they share stories evoking this often unpredictable time of year.

Woo Hoo! More to come.

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