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Point of View: Becoming a Cover Designer

I have aspirations.

I want to learn how to do everything in the publishing world. In my past, I’ve already worked at a small publisher, at a bookstore, and at a book distributor.

I’ve written (and sold) a number of stories. I’ve done beta reading and critiquing, though no formal editing as of yet.

But one mountain I haven’t climbed yet is creating an official book cover. Oh, I’ve played around with it – I just designed three covers for my “Weekly Fix” story serializations:

relife190 stripe190 morgan190

These were tons of fun to do, but they’re only created for this one specific purpose. I’d love to do “real” covers at some point, but there’s so much to learn – making sure you get the right images and fonts and permissions; creating art that’s compelling and not derivative; and formatting it properly for each of the different sources out there – Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, ARe, Goodreads, etc etc etc.

Who knows where this will lead? Maybe it will become a part of what I do, or maybe it’s just a fun diversion that will give me a little insight into (and sympathy for) what cover designers go through when they have to work with me.

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