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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts, by SA Collins

Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts - SA Collins

SA Collins has a new queer alt-earth sci fi book out, book one in the Cove Chronicles: “Beware Mohawks Bearing Gifts.” It’s 1847, New York. William Matthias Hallett is a fashionable dandy of the Manhattan social set. His life is laid out before him: a world of soirees, riches and luxury. Yet all he wants to do is find an adventure so deliciously wicked that it would satiate his soul for an eternity. So, disguised in a lower-class manner, into the notorious Five Points he goes, seeking that spark of adventure. That is until it greets him in the form … Read more

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Author Spotlight: S.A. Collins

SA Collins

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, S.A. Collins – S.A. Collins, or Baz to his writing friends, is kind of a force of nature. I met Baz on Facebook, and Mark and I helped him (with substantial help from our Italian friends Marco and Fabry) on some Italian in his novel Angels of March Volume 1. Baz is also one of the principals at the WROTE (Written on the Edge) podcast, which interviews queer and queer friendly authors … Read more

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WROTE – The Evolution of One Author’s Journey

Hey all. SA “Baz” Collins here. When Scott asked me to guest blog on his site I was immediately intrigued. In the short time I’ve come to know Scott and his works I’ve been nothing short of impressed at the sheer volume of work he does in queer storytelling (writing novels being just one aspect). So what to write about? I pondered talking about my current work (Angels of Mercy – which has a new release coming out at the end of September) that dives into homophobia in competitive sports (in this case American high school football). And while a … Read more