Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work.
Today, Elizabeth Noble – Mystery, action, chills, and thrills spiced with romance and desire. ELIZABETH NOBLE lives by the adage “I can’t not write.”
Thanks so much, Elizabeth, for joining me!
Elizabeth Noble: Thank you, so much, Scott for having me here today!
J. Scott Coatsworth: I’m thrilled to – we’ve known each other, what, for six years now? 🙂 Let’s get to it.
Are you a plotter or a pantster?
EN: The short answer is yes. When I first begin a story I do a fair amount of plotting and planning, setting up the world and the situations my characters will be immersed in. I have a general idea of different events and scenes I want to take place throughout the course of the story. As the story progresses different ideas or parts of the plot grow from the original. So, I try to remain open to changes as I go.
JSC: Do your books spring to life from a character first or an idea?
EN: I’d say in 90% of my books the idea forms and gets fleshed out. Then the characters are developed to fit into the plot.
JSC: How did you choose the topic for this Scintilla?
EN: I wanted to write a paranormal romance/urban fantasy type series. The main thing I wanted was to develop a magical system that was a little out of the ordinary. I’m not sure what made me think of elements, but after I did that progressed to using four and limiting each magical person to what they could do with that element. I also decided to used things that were an extension of what human bodies would have or use naturally. There is electricity, sound, light and air.
JSC: Who did your cover, and what was the design process like?
EN: My friend, Terry, who is officially TL Bland Designs created my cover. She’s very easy to work with and is very flexible. I think we went through three or four different designs before landing on this one. I’d seen the model and wanted him – he fit the book and Brandon’s character perfectly. It was getting the right background and other cover elements that took some experimenting on her part. My job at that point mainly consisted of me opening emails and saying, “oooohhh.”
JSC: Who was your favorite character to write in Scintilla, and why?
EN: In Scintilla, it’s Raul’s grandmother, Natty. She’s a little, old, werewolf lady and the matriarch of a large family. I see her as a sort of cross between a godmother (the mafia kind, not the fairy kind) and everyone’s favorite elderly neighbor. She’s a werewolf, she’s tough and she’ll make you a good, hot, home cooked meal if you’re having a bad day. Natty was one of those characters that surprised me. She just took over the scenes she was in, but in a every understated way.
JSC: What pets are currently on your keyboard, and what are their names? Pictures?
EN: I have two dogs, Shay and Finn and one cat, Murphy.
Shay is the black and white dog and a senior girl. I’m not sure how old she is, since I adopted her a few years ago from a shelter. She’s a sweet, sweet girl.
Finn is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and my regular followers will probably recognize him. He’s four and I adopted him two years ago, he was returned to his breeder. He’s such an amazing dog and I’m happy every day he’s with me.
Murphy is my cat. He’s a dog person and is an only cat because he doesn’t like other cats with the passion of ten thousand suns! He and Finn will chase each other around the house and wrestle, which is just darn cute.

JSC: What was the first book that made you cry?
EN: I don’t know if it was the first one, but it’s the one I remember clearly. It was a book called No Love for Schnitzel. It was a great, funny, loving story with a horrible ending. I read it when I was ten, I’m still traumatized. No joke.
JSC: Do you have any strange writing habits or superstitions?
EN: I must have a title and know the ending of every book I’ve written. I guess I could say I write toward the end.
JSC: Star Trek or Star Wars? Why?
EN: I like Star Wars, but I own Star Trek! I think ST is what I pick because that came first. I fell in love with it as a small child and never changed my mind. I like the message of hope and a good future it gives.
JSC: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
EN: A spy. In preparation I taught myself to read things that were upside down, backward and in a mirror. I thought that would be a very good skill for a spy. I was five, don’t judge.
JSC: LOL… I bet you would have made a good one. 🙂
And now for Elizabeth’s new book: Scintilla:
How far is too far to go to save someone you love?
Brandon Lynch is magical. He’s a scintilla, wielder of electricity and is in love with a werewolf—or maybe he’s just in love with the idea of loving a werewolf?
Raul Fierro is a bounty hunter and a werewolf. He knows he loves Brandon. He’s made a promise to always protect Brandon and will carry out that promise at all costs.
When Brandon and Raul go head to head with human traffickers, Brandon’s morals are stretched to their limits. Will Raul keeping his promise tear them apart?
Author Site | Amazon | QueeRomance Ink | Goodreads
He moved his arm around Brandon, so he could cover Brandon’s cock with his palm and use his fingers to press into Brandon’s balls. The faintest halo of blue sparks erupted off Brandon’s skin and hit Raul. They tickled and pricked at Raul’s already sensitized skin creating a delightful mix of sensations. His knots engorged even more—if that was even possible—and he felt the slight surge of electricity in his cock.
Brandon was a magical human.
This kept getting better and better. Raul had no idea his client was a scintilla—wielder of electricity—when he’d chosen the wand as a toy for their session. He wondered if scintillas had a heightened effect from electric wands.
Brandon’s entire body stiffened, and he held his breath. A second later he clenched around Raul and panted out rapid, staccato breaths. Raul’s knots and his cock were wrapped in a cocoon of low level current and throbbed in time with the waves of muscle spasms he felt rolling through Brandon.
Raul stroked Brandon’s cock until he collapsed onto his stomach. Hips twitched and jerked forcing Raul to struggle to catch his breath. The feeling of his cock encased in a slightly cooler, snug ass and the little, almost nonexistent zaps with every pump of Brandon’s cock was exhilarating. His knots were ultra-warm and their constant pressure ignited the nerves in his cock, heating it as if on fire.
To say that his orgasm was explosive and more intense than he’d normally experience with a client who was a random stranger was an understatement.
It took longer than normal for Raul’s knots to soften enough he could ease free of Brandon. He smiled at the low moan from Brandon. Raul chuckled when Brandon murmured, “Thank you, that was awesome.”
Too bad he’s probably leaving the area soon.
“Stay there, I’ll put some lotion on your back.” Raul rolled off the bed and grabbed a bottle from the cabinet before sitting beside Brandon again.
Brandon hadn’t moved, other than to move his arms to use as a pillow for his cheek. Raul smeared the lotion liberally over Brandon’s back and spent a few minutes massaging his shoulders then worked his way down to the swell of Brandon’s ass. He repeated the movements.
“Oh, damn, that’s almost as good as the sex,” Brandon said in a low, slightly slurred voice.
“Thank you. I do aim to please.” Raul finished the massage then said, “You’re a scintilla.”
Brandon rolled over and eased to a sitting position, flinching. “Is it a problem I didn’t tell you?”
Raul shook his head. “Nah. I was surprised, but I’ll admit you’re one of the best clients I’ve had. That was different, surprising and…very enjoyable.”
Brandon smiled shyly. “Thanks. A lot of people are afraid to even hug me without wearing all sorts of rubber gear, let alone more. They think they’ll get electrocuted.”
Author Bio
Mystery, action, chills, and thrills spiced with romance and desire. ELIZABETH NOBLE lives by the adage “I can’t not write.” She doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t make up stories and eventually she learned how to put words on a page. Those words turned into books and fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M fiction. A part of every day is spent living in worlds she created that are filled with intrigue and espionage. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural.
When she’s not chronicling the adventures of her many characters, Elizabeth is a veterinary nurse living in her native Cleveland, Ohio. She has three grown children and now happily shares her little, brick house with an adorable mixed breed canine princess, a spunky Cardigan Welsh Corgi and their sidekick, tabby cat. Elizabeth is a fan of baseball, basketball (go Cavs and Indians) and gardening. She can often be found working in her ‘outside office’ listening to classic rock and plotter her next novel waiting for it to be dark enough to gaze at the stars.
Elizabeth has received a number of amateur writing awards. Since being published, several of her novels have received Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards. Jewel Cave was a runner-up in the Gay Mystery/Thriller category in the 2015 Rainbow Awards. Ringed Love was a winner in the Gay Fantasy Romance category of the 2016 Rainbow Awards.
Website: http://www.elizabeth-noble.com
E-Mail: elizabeth.noble19@gmail.com
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