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More Myths Untold: Faery Blog Tour Stops!

3 Chicks After DarkThe Three Chicks After Dark are hosting a stop on our blog tour today, and Skye talks about what’s on her playlist:

I always hear authors talk about a specific playlist they listened to while writing. It’s both awesome and daunting. I see a list of ten to fifteen songs they listened to while writing their works, and I’m envious of such lists.


Because I’ve never had such lists…

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Cia NordwellAnd over at Cia Nordwell’s blog, Cia interviews all four of us about the book:

What was your first encounter with the Fair Folk—a story, a movie, or something else? How did it influence you?
Gus: I spent a lot of time as a kid at the local library, and when I discovered folklore and mythology, I read everything available. I was drawn to the contrast between them and mainstream children’s books. Instead of having a protagonist who was rewarded for good, folklore was populated by characters who were clever, mischievous, and even mean. I’m still very fond of moral ambiguity. I was also fortunate to grow up in a time when movies for young people weren’t as sanitized. The Wizards and The Labyrinth are only two examples.

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