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NEW REVIEWS: The Stark Divide

More reviews keep coming in – today, two more five star reviews. 🙂

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Anne Barwell at Drops of Ink couldn’t put it down:


When I read a book by J. Scott Coatsworth I know I’m going to be treated to a story with fabulous world building, and interesting characters. The Stark Divide has all of that and more. One thing I really loved about this story is that although there are romances, they don’t drive it. Also it is populated by diverse characters with differing sexualities IE gay, straight, bi, and trans, which is accepted by this society in the future…

“I spent several evenings getting lost in the story and staying up far too late in order to read just one more chapter.”

The descriptive of space is wonderfully emotive—“the stars poking brilliant holes in the firmament above.” The descriptions of Forever—the name given to the world by the colonists—are not overdone as to bog down the story, yet make the setting very easy to visualise. I spent several evenings getting lost in the story and staying up far too late in order to read just one more chapter.

Anna Butler loved it too:


This was a very interesting read. The premise of sentient spaceships isn’t new, of course, nor is the idea of a space ark as the refuge of the remains of humanity. But when the ‘ark’ is a created world, Forever, complete with mountains, rivers and farms, all held within a space ship grown from a seed and inhabited with sentient, aware, intelligent AI with ambivalent motivation… that’s a little different…

“Excellent worldbuilding, an ensemble of engaging characters and the promise of conflict to come.”

Excellent worldbuilding, an ensemble of engaging characters and the promise of conflict to come. Very well done.

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