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POINT OF VIEW: Plotting My Revenge

Scott - Muwahahaha

* maniacal laughter in background *

Hey all,

Okay, so my next novel, “The Rising Tide,” is now out the door to the publisher. Which brings me to my strange new year, in which I will be writing the third and final books for not one but two trilogies – “Liminal Sky” and “The Oberon Cycle.”

Final books are where everything gets accounted for… all the little loose threads must be identified and wrapped up, the good guys get their win (usually), and the bad guys get what’s coming to them.

I am diving into Ithani this week (the final book in the Oberon Cycle – Skythane and Lander being the first two), and am hashing out the plot. I had a plotline written out when I first started this thing, but so many things have changed in the writing of the first two books that it’s woefully out of date.

I also have to work out the romance aspect of the book – when I initially envisioned it, I thought it would be kind of a Twilight sort of thing – Team Alix and Team Jameson… but it didn’t quite work out the way I planned.

I have all these plot ideas and thoughts and legacy issues from books one and two, and sorting it out is going to be a lot of fun… kinda like straightening an entire ball of tangled yarn.

And yes, some revenge will be had. Hence my Muwahahahahaha photo above. 😛

So I want to ask my writer friends out there – how do you plot out your series finale books? And to readers – what do you expect or hope for in the last book in a series?


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