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Point of View: Con Crud… Without the Con

con crud - sick man - Deposit Photos

Anyone who has ever been to a con has probably heard of Con Crud – that catchall term for whatever cold or flu virus is circulating at the time that everyone seems to catch. I feel like that’s what I have – even though I haven’t been to a con since last year. Two week ago today, Mark got it – some kind of cold virus that gives you a headache, stuffs your sinuses full of cotton and makes you cough and cough and cough… and the damned bug is still lingering. I picked it up last Wednesday, and have … Read more

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Point of View: Running a Group Sales Table, Part One

Davis Pride

This week I thought I’d do a practical advice column for my writer friends. It’s been a while since I did one of these, and being fresh off of not one but two Pride events, with a third to come next weekend, it seemed like a great time to offer a primer on how to set up and run a group sales table. Choosing an Event Big city Prides can be quite expensive. Our local Sacramento Pride festival is now $750 for a booth for two days, and SF Pride is $1600 for a booth, canopy, table and chairs for … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: After the Con

blue man sad - Deposit Photos

The Rainbow Space Magic virtual con ended yesterday, and I’m feeling that weird post con mix of elation and let-down. It was wonderful to see many of my fellow authors and readers, and to spend time moderating a couple topic panels, and to hang out in the reading panel with Angel Martinez and Rory Ni Coileain. The read and the discuss aspect of the RSM reading hours is one of my favorite things about the con. I really miss in person cons, though. The ability to meet somebody and grab a coffee with them at the hotel Starbucks, or to … Read more

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Point of View: Selling at a Con

Scott Angel Freddy yaoicon

Hey all, Just got back from YaoiCon in San Francisco – I went for one day on Saturday to hang with MCB Books’ Angel Martinez and Freddy MacKay. I thought I’d share some of what I learned from this and the other cons I have attended about how to get the most out of your book sales. and to be as organized as possible beforehand. Find Out if You Need a License: Some states require you to collect taxes and send them in for sales made at cons and trade shows. I don’t know if it was required for YaoiCon, … Read more