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POINT OF VIEW: The Anatomy of a Writing Contest

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Nine years ago, Angel, Ben and I stuck our heads together to come up with an idea to bring some publicity to the Queer Sci Fi group and site. We hit upon a flash fiction contest, themed around a single word, and the annual QSF flash fiction contest was born. The theme that first year was “Endings,” and we got a grand total of fifteen entries! We chose a winner, announced it with a bunch of fanfare, and moved on. Now, nine years later, the contest has grown and grown. We had our largest year in 2021 with 384 submissions, … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Choosing the Perfect Title

Book Title / Muse - Deposit Photos

So you’ve finished your book, and it’s time to change your working title into your forever one – the one that will stick with your newly finished work for the rest of it’s happy little book life… assuming your Publisher doesn’t change it later. So how do you choose the perfect title? At their best, titles do a few key things for your book. They make a bold statement about what the reader will find inside. They convey (along with the font and cover art) the genre of your book. And they tease the reader and invite them inside. A … Read more

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The Last Grand Master: Free Book, and Drawing For a Gift Card

My great friend Andrew has a giveaway and a contest. 🙂 First, I want to thank Scott for hosting me today. I appreciate being able to speak to his fans and readers. For those who haven’t met me yet, I write epic fantasy. My current series – Champion of the Gods – is a five book epic fantasy work. Books One through Four are already available and Book Five is almost finished. To introduce you to the series, I’d like to give everyone a free eBook copy of Book One – The Last Grand Master. And to pique your interest … Read more

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Point of View: Running a Successful Contest


Hey all, We’re closing out the Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction contest, and we’re about to get to the fun part – reading all the great entries that were submitted by y’all. We have 166 in all, from a great variety of writers and covering the LGBTIQA spectrum and the full gamut of speculative fiction themes. Well, I assume they do. You see, I haven’t actually read any of them yet. I am very careful not to do so before we start the judging, as I am compiling the file. We judge these stories blind – without knowing the author … Read more

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Spotlight: Marionettes in the Mist

Hey all, Just wanted to point you over to to another serial project I’m a part of. Marionettes in the Mist is a group project on the Mischief Corner Books blog that I’m doing with Angel Martinez, Freddy MacKay, and Toni Griffin – an urban fantasy set on an Earth not too different from ours. Well, except for all the skin walkers, goblins, dragons and other magical and mythical creatures running around. You can catch up here: We’re also running a cool little contest – guess who wrote each character, and you might win a $25 MCB gift certificate: … Read more