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Point of View: Writing (Really) Short

Haiku - Deposit Photos

Over the last eight years, we’ve constantly been searching to cope with a world turned upside down. Mark and I have tried a variety of self-care methods – long showers, walks through the neighborhood, spending time in a coffee shop. But last year we discovered a new method. The daily haiku. The New York Times had an article about expressing yourself this way, and we thought “what the heck?” So we started sending each other a short poem each morning, encapsulating our hopes, fears, dreams and delights in seventeen syllables a day. We’ve since shared the practice with a few … Read more

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Point of View: The Wisdom of Letting Go

Man breathing into a paper bag - deposit photos

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. The Serenity Prayer (above, minus the usual reference to the deity) is usually associated with Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s a reminder to those in the program that not everything is in their control, and trying to control things that are beyond us often ends in heartache. I’ve been finding a lot of wisdom and solace in that prayer lately. I’m not an alcoholic – fear about losing control (there’s that word again) as a gay … Read more