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POINT OF VIEW: A New Horizon

New Horizons - pixabay

Hey all… In about two and a half months, my new book “The Stark Divide” will be released from DSP Publications. It’s NOT A ROMANCE. (Angel is snickering somewhere over this). Publishing a non-romancey sci fi tale is a departure for me in one way, and in another it’s not at all. We’ll get back to that in a moment. The challenge now? Everything I’ve built to market myself and all the contacts I’ve made have been geared to market my romance work. Sure, most of my romance tales are also sci fi or fantasy or magical realism. But I’ve … Read more

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Time Labs Inc., by L.V. Lloyd

Time Labs Inc.

My friend L.V. Lloyd has a new sci fi anthology out: TimeLabs Inc is a collection of six science fiction short stories, all with a romantic theme. Sam and Zak take a Time Tour for their honeymoon, visiting some of the events through time which have captured their interest, including the very first Olympics. A five-star time machine for transport, luxury meals, fine wines—what could be more perfect? TimeLabs Inc. Tom loved his master, his job and the wonderful society he lived in—until one day, somebody hacked his tattoo and his world changed forever. Tattoo Kel meets his first alien … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Z. Allora

Z. Allora

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Z. Allora – I have known Z. for quite a while, but I first met her at the Dreamspinner Retreat last year. We sat down for coffee (ok, well maybe I had tea) and we had an animated conversation about the physics of space travel, gay romance, and art. Seriously. So thrilled to have Z. with me today! Thanks so much, Z., for joining me! Giveaway Z. is giving away a copy … Read more

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WROTE – The Evolution of One Author’s Journey

Hey all. SA “Baz” Collins here. When Scott asked me to guest blog on his site I was immediately intrigued. In the short time I’ve come to know Scott and his works I’ve been nothing short of impressed at the sheer volume of work he does in queer storytelling (writing novels being just one aspect). So what to write about? I pondered talking about my current work (Angels of Mercy – which has a new release coming out at the end of September) that dives into homophobia in competitive sports (in this case American high school football). And while a … Read more