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POINT OF VIEW: Climbing the Walls of SFWA (And Unleashing My Secret Creativity)

Climbing - pixabay

I’m on a bit of an odyssey this year. I have always wanted to be a sci fi writer, and over the last five years, I have achieved that dream. In addition to my gay romance tales, I have published five sci fi novels, with a sixth due out in October. But one thing has eluded me. Most successful sci fi writers (and I use that term in the popular/financial sense) are members of SFWA (say it with me – “siff-wah”) – the Sci Fi Writer’s Association. But there’s a catch. To join, you have to either make at least … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW; What a Difference a Week Makes

scott - happy juice

Last week I was at a bit of a low ebb, bemoaning how difficult it was to market your work on social media and in the publishing world. This week, none of that has changed. Facebook still makes it hard to get your posts out there without tons of money, and Amazon… well, the Zon is still the Zon. And yet it was a good week. I sent in my final book of my second trilogy – “The Shoreless Sea,” to the publisher. And I’ve started my evil plan to storm the SFWA (Sci Fi Writer’s Association) – or “siffwah”, … Read more