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POINT OF VIEW: Choosing Person and Tense – Third Person

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Last week we talked about writing in first person. This week I thought I’d tackle the more common third person usage. Third person means using he/she/they etc pronouns – stories that describe the action from outside of the characters. It comes in three basic flavors: Third Person Omniscient: The most common of the three. Omniscient allows you to have multiple viewpoint characters, and an outside “omniscient” narrator who’s basically describing the story as it goes (you). This version of third person gives you the most freedom, as you can head hop (although doing so within a scene is strongly discouraged) … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Choosing Person and tense – First Person

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When crafting a story, every writer has to make some key choices: What’s the genre? What’s the tone? How about the setting? Who are the characters, and what’s going to happen to them? How will they react? And will it all end? But there’s another choice we all make, consciously or unconsciously, that can have a huge impact on the story and how it’s perceived by the reader: Choosing the person you’ll tell your story in, and the tense. The vast majority of stories are told in third-person, simple past: Someone knocked on the door. Zippy the dingo went to … Read more