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New Release / Giveaway: Malena MCD – Beryll & Osiris Brackhaus

Malena MCD - Beryll & Osiris Brackhaus

Beryll & Osiris Brackhaus have a new queer sci-fi book out (bi, pan, poly), the latest tale in their Virasana Empire: Malena MCD. Mauve is a pet, a human pleasure slave. He is smart, ambitious, horny – and the only witness in a murder case. Or rather, he is ‘evidence’. Luckily, the crime was committed on Malicorn, where an unsolved murder would disturb its profitable reputation as the safest planet of the Empire. So Mauve ends up in the hands of the Malena MCD, the local Major Crimes Division, run by ex-space-marine Alexej Sirenkov and his brilliant wife Andrea. Unwilling to … Read more