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The Stark Divide Reviews Part Duex

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Lilyn at Sci Fi and Scary reviews it and loves it:

The Stark Divide was a nice quick read. It was definitely a book that I didn’t want to put down unless I absolutely had to. It plays with some familiar ideas, but does so in such a way that it doesn’t feel ‘been there, done that’. In it, we’ve basically destroyed Earth, but we don’t have FTL travel yet, so we can’t quickly get to another planet.

“I didn’t want to put [it] down unless I absolutely had to.”

Naturally, that means we have to turn to colony spaceships in the meantime. And that leads me into what I liked most about the book. From the initial ship that the story starts on, Coatsworth catches your imagination and opens your minds to the possibilities of meat and metal spaceships. From there, we move on to an O’Neill cylinder, but the author’s way of developing one is definitely one you rarely read about.

Molly Lolly can’t wait for the next one:

“I want to lose myself in the world.”

I’m super hoping not only is there a sequel but that it comes out quickly. I want to lose myself in the world more and see how all of the characters handle the current challenges they face and the new ones that are about to arise from the events towards the end of the book.

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