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WROTE’s 12 Days of Christmas Series Kicks Off

WROTEOur friends over at the WROTE Podcast are running a 12 day story extravaganza for the Holidays:

“We at the Written on the Edge podcast are grateful for the family-in-spirit that has grown up around the idea of our stories of love, life, and living to the fullest. As you bebop through your holiday this year, we’d like to show our gratitude with a little cheer. Twelve cheers, actually. Delivered to you in the mornings as daily half-hour stories through the end of December. Keelan Ellis kicks off the Twelve Days of Stories events with her tale “APIAPT!!” narrated by Vance Bastian.”

I just listened to Keelan’s story, and it’s really sweet with a nice twist:

Here’s the full schedule:

12/14: Partridge in a Pear Tree, Keelan Ellis
12/15: Turtle Doves, Carole Cummings
12/16: French Hens, Freddy MacKay
12/17: Calling Birds, Pat Henshaw
12/21: Gold Rings, Jamie Fessenden
12/22: Geese a-Laying, A. Catherine Noon
12/23: Swans a-Swimming, Albert Nothlit
12/24: Maids a-Milking, Jayne Lockwood
12/28: Ladies Dancing, Angel Martinez
12/29: Lords a-Leaping, J. Scott Coatsworth
12/30: Pipers Piping, A. M. Burns
12/31: Drummers Drumming, SA “Baz” Collins

You can catch them all on the WROTE site:

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