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Point of View: The Last Run, or Where It All Began

The Last Run

About five years ago, I had a conversation with one of my gay sci-fi friends, Jim Comer. Jim continues to this day to insist that faster-than-light (FTL) travel will never be possible, and the discussion encouraged me to write a novella about a colony world serviced by supply runs from Earth that were constrained to less than the speed of light. I threw in a lesbian pairing, some semi-sentient plants, and a cool colony village built on a series of basaltic ridges above a swift-flowing river. Little did I realize that I had set the stage for a world that … Read more

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Point of View: The Dragon Eater Teaser #6

The Last Run

Hey all… we’re just 10 days (and counting) away from my first major release in twenty months. I’m thrilled to bring The Dragon Eater (Tharassas Cycle Book 1) to you, thanks to Steven Radecki and Water Dragon Publishing. Each week I’ll share something special about the book and/or the series. In the first excerpt, you met Raven the thief (and titular Dragon Eater). In the second excerpt, I introduced Aik, Raven’s loyal friend (and inconveniently for a thief, part of the Gullton city Guard). In the third one, it was their friend Silya, an aspiring Hencha Queen who has a … Read more

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REVIEW: The Last Run

The Last Run

Genre: Sci-Fi, Sci-Fantasy, Romance (arc) LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Melissa, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Sera is the last runner from Earth, bringing badly needed supplies to the Tharassas Colony across a twenty-five year gulf between the planets. Jas works on a hencha farm to make ends meet, harvesting berries from the semi-sentient plants. Neither one that knows their lives—and worlds—are about to change forever. The Review The only negative I have about this novella is that it is a novella.  I need more! I felt like I was so immersed in the crazy fabulous world … Read more