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Point of View: Being Swagnificent

Scott bookmarks

GayRomLit is coming up quickly, and I’ve been madly trying to get my act together on the swag and promo front. For anyone who doesn’t know, swag is that free stuff they give away at convention booths. Buttons, pens, bookmarks, squishy balls – things that are supposed to stick with you to remind you of the company / author / concept the booth is trying to promote. Exactly what works best as swag is often a topic of heated debate in author circles. As a general rule of thumb, the more expensive it is, or the more perceived value it … Read more

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Point of View: So We’re Going to Kansas City


“I’m going to Kansas City.” It’s something I never thought I would say. But here we are. Mark and I are heading to KC for GayRomLit in October – an MM romance conference that’s being held this year in the heart of the country. We got here through the back door. Late last year, we took a look at Angel’s wonderful LGBT friendly Cons list on the QSF site. Some of my writing friends cautioned against it. “It’s really hard to get in as an author. And you don’t want to go unless you get to be a named author … Read more

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Point of View: Banana Surprise, Alligator Feedings and Platypus Horns

Angel and Scott

Hey all… I just got back from Dreamspinner’s annual retreat. I had a fantastic time there with a bunch of QSFers, including but not limited to Angel Martinez, Jon Keys, Jamie Fessenden, Lloyd Meeker, Andrew Q. Gordon, Brandon Witt, Elizabeth Noble, Z. Allora, Shira Anthony, Skylar M. Cates, Wade Kelly, Gus Li, Clare London, Pearl Love, and Erika Orrick. If I left you out, I apologize in advance – it was a whirlwind! There were so many of us there, and I also met a bunch of fantastic non-QSFers at the retreat (or maybe future ones?) 🙂 Anyhow, I thought … Read more

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Point of View: Scenes from a Con

Alex Wifi Dance

So we’re about to hit the road (or the sky) for our trip home from Nijicon in Philadelphia. It was a good con – come next year, y’all! But we had a blast, and met some great folks. So I thought I’d share a few moments with you from our time at the con: 1) The Dancing Alex: Our buddy Alex Woolfson, of “The Young Protectors” fame, was at Niji with us. The Hall wifi kinda sucked, so every time he made a sale (which was fairly often). we’d look over to see Alex doing his wifi dance to try … Read more

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Point of View: Five Things You Have to Do Before a Con

Scott swag

We’re getting ready to go to Nijicon next weekend in Philadelphia, so I thought this would be a great time to go over the steps we take to get ourselves ready for a writer con. 1) Shave. And Shower. Seriously. We all get wrapped up in our writing, sitting in our little writer caves, and many of us work a second (and sometimes third) job to pay the bills to allow us the ability to write. And it’s easy to forget to comb your hair, put on clothes, and wear deodorant like a regular person every morning when you get … Read more