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Author Spotlight: Andrew Demcak

Andrew Demcak

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Andrew Demcak – Andrew Demcak is an award-winning poet and novelist whose work has been widely published and anthologized both in print and on-line, and whose books have been featured by The American Library Association, The Lambda Literary Foundation, Verse Daily, The Best American Poetry blog, The Nervous Breakdown, and Poets/Artists. He has an M.F.A. from St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. He is currently Senior Librarian at Oakland Public Library. He … Read more

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Another Autumn Lands Blog Tour Stop

Skye Hegyes Blog

I’m so excited to be stopping by Skye Hegyes’s blog today – she’s a great friend and we have an anthology project together with Brandon Witt and Gus Li, coming out later this year from Wilde City. For my visit today for The Autumn Lands, I thought I’d share five things my characters learned during the story: Don’t Kiss and Run: Seriously, if you ever find yourself in a small town and a stranger pulls you into an alley to kiss you, at least get his name before you take off running. Your libido will thank you later…. See the … Read more

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Another Autumn Lands Blog Tour Stop

Wicked Faerie

Thanks so much to Chris at Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews for hosting my blog tour. For this one, Chris asked me to talk about my inspiration for writing characters: Thanks to Chris for welcoming me to Wicked Faerie’s Tales. Chris asked me how I come up with my characters and storylines. I had to stop and think about that. I’d like to say that they just come to me whole-cloth, but that’s only happened a couple times, and both of those stories were very short. As far as creating characters goes, it tends to be really organic for me. … Read more

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Another Four (Well, Hearts) Review for The Autumn Lands

Love Bytes

Just got another great review of “The Autumn Lands”, this one from Love Bytes: This is my first read of a J. Scott Coatsworth book, but it definitely won’t be my last. I quite enjoyed this fantasy story…even after a major twist half way through! I’m not doing any spoilers on what that twist is, so don’t even ask!… I dare you to read it and tell me you guessed it before you got to it. You’ll be lying. I’m going to have to keep this review short, because I’ve already given a couple spoilers, but since they are from … Read more

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My Next Blog Stop for The Autumn Lands

Jamie Fessenden Blog

My friend Jamie Fessenden is hosting today’s blog tour stop for The Autumn Lands: Thanks for letting me stop by your blog to talk about The Autumn Lands, my latest novella that released yesterday from Mischief Corner Books. It’s the classic story of boy meets elf, boy and elf run away from village where boy grew up, jump into a river, cross through a forest and a bunch of hills, and end up somewhere neither one could ever have imagined. Jamie asked me to do something a little offbeat for this posting, so I cast my two lead characters. For … Read more

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First Review for “The Autumn Lands”

It’s release day, and the first review of my novella “The Autumn Lands” has rolled in – four stars! Thanks Diane! 🙂 The Autumn Lands surprised me, in a most delightful way. Too often fantasy goes off the rails with overly dramatic attention to detail and a propensity to rely on character, plot and narrative tropes to assist in grounding the reader when suspension of disbelief is critical for service to Story. Not so here—at least not at the beginning. The setting and the characters are sketched in just enough to draw the reader in without forcing furrowed brows trying … Read more

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“The Autumn Lands” Release Day!!!!!!

The Autumn Lands

I am giddy with excitement. Today is the release date for “The Autumn Lands”, my first stand-alone print title. It’s a novella and my longest published work yet, at 35k. Cover artwork by the amazing Catherine Dair. Thanks also to Angel Marzinez, Toni Griffin, and Freddy MacKay for their great beta reads, and to Freddy especially for getting the book into print format, and for wrestling with Amazon to get the print cover right. I am so excited to share this story with you: Jerrith is running. Kissed by an elf, he can’t remain in his hometown of Althos any … Read more

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“The Autumn Lands” Blog Tour Kicks Off

Drops of Ink

And we’re off! My first stand-alone print novella “The Autumn Lands” releases on Wednesday, and the blog tour started today with a stop at Anne Barwell’s blog, Drops of Ink: Like many of my stories, it started with the smallest germ of an idea. Back in the nineties, I tried to make a go of writing, and started a bunch of stories that I didn’t finish. One of these was a snippet about a gay kid running through his village after being kissed by another boy for the first time. I had just come out, and was exploring gay themes … Read more