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POINT OF VIEW: Thirteen Years (Or Twenty-Nine Years) Later

Mark Scott Wedding

Thirteen years ago today, on a rainy Saturday afternoon in San Francisco, I had the most amazing day of my life. I married my prince, my one true love, on a beautiful terrace in front of our closest family. It was our second wedding – the first was a hastily-arranged affair four years earlier, when then-Mayor Gavin Newsom threw open the doors of City Hall for gay and lesbian couples for the first time. And while that one didn’t stick, this one did, and remains one of the sweetest and most precious moments of my life. I still remember vividly … Read more

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Point of View: The One Thing I Need

Mark and Scott

Hey all, There are times when, as a writer, you get worn down. Sometimes it’s the writing itself. You back yourself into a corner, or your characters suck, or your plot isn’t so much a straight line as a thicket of foxtails. Sometimes it’s other events in your life – the death of a loved one, problems at your job, natural disasters, or health issues that just make it so hard to just sit down and get the words out. Whatever the cause, sometimes it’s hard to be bold and creative and fresh and witty. Sometimes you just want to … Read more