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Point of View: Bring me Something Good

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In the last ten years, life has rained down a crap-ton of shit on our lives. Politics, Covid-19, income inequality, rising prices, and the endless drumbeat of climate change doom. I’m a naturally optimistic person. Sure, life sometimes gets me down, but usually I bounce back up like an inflatable ball plunged underwater in the pool, shooting toward the sky with unlikely exuberance. But lately, even I have a hard time finding my buoyancy. So when that happens, I find it helpful to seek out happy things, hopeful things, joyous things to regain my balance. I’ll share three of my … Read more

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Point of View: Everyone Hurts

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Everyone I know is hurting. There are still flashes of beauty and love and triumph all around me, even moments of great joy. But the whiff of depression, the sense of things having moved beyond our control, hangs over everything like a sulfurous smog. Many of our friends and family are facing health issues right now – some short-term, others more dire and in some cases life-threatening. Other friends are facing imminent eviction, or just can’t seem to find a steady place to stand. Friends who find that what was once a dream-come-true is now proving to be more of … Read more

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Point of View: Writing and A Flicker of Hope

Joy in Writing - Deposit Photos

I’m writing again. OK, so not anything new yet. But I’m back into book one edits in preparation for getting it off to my new publisher – Water Dragon Publishing – around week’s end. And I have release dates (at least tentative ones) for all three books: March 2023, September 2023, and March 2024. More importantly, I can see a path forward, both for publication of these books and for writing something new. 🙂 Recovery-wise, I am typing with both hands again – yay! And in a week and a half, I will enter my next phase of physical therapy. … Read more

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New Release/Giveaway: Save the World Anthology

Save the World

Other Worlds Ink has a new book out in the hopepunk cli-fi Writers Save the World anthology series: Save the World. And there’s a giveaway. Climate change is no longer a vague future threat. Forests are burning, currents are shifting, and massive storms dump staggering amounts of water in less than 24 hours Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future. We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to save the world from climate change. From the myriad of stories we received, we chose the twenty most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales. Dive in … Read more

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Point of View: Shit City

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I’m feeling a bit shaky this morning. I’m not sure if it’s my never-ending pile of work that I just can’t seem to get through, or coming down off a day of being “on” for book sales at Davis Pride yesterday. Maybe it’s all my worries about the world, as the Dow plunges into bear market territory, the January 6th hearings churn on, and inflation keeps inflating. Most likely it’s a combination of all three. Some days, I forget how to hope. Still, I have a freakishly optimistic spirit, and worries rarely keep me down for long. I’m like one … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Back at the Con (or Trying to Be Zen)

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The in person events are coming. I plan to attend two Pride festivals and a Sci-Fi con in the next two-and-a-half months – and I’m totally zen about it. I have books to sell, the sales licenses corralled, and I am totally ready to–WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? A live event? Like, face to face with other PEOPLE? In the middle of a PANDEMIC? I must be INSANE. And yet… there’s a growing part of me (no snickers from the peanut gallery, please) that IS excited about the prospect. Being around other people, finally getting to sell the books … Read more

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COVER REVEAL: Save the World Anthology

Save the World

Other Worlds Ink has a new book coming out in the Writers Save the World anthology series, and we have the cover reveal: Save the World! And there’s a big giveaway. Climate change is no longer a vague future threat. Forests are burning, currents are shifting, and massive storms dump staggering amounts of water in less than 24 hours Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future. We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to save the world from climate change. From the myriad of stories we received, we chose the twenty most amazing … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Planning for the After-Time

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Mark and I speak of the Before Time with awe, in hushed voices. The time when things still seemed normal, whatever that was. When we thought nothing of packing ourselves into a crowded movie theater to see the latest film, or of going out to dinner afterwards and breathing the same air as a hundred other restaurant-goers. Before the pandemic-related words invaded the language – masking, anti-maskers, double-vaxxed, triple-vaxxed, anti vaxxers, boosted, pfizer, moderna, mrna, protein spikes, aerosolized droplets, and so many more. It seems impossible that we will ever go back to that time, which seems strangely innocent now. … Read more

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“When Life gives you lemons…” Life has given us a lot of lemons lately. There’s a war on in Europe. There’s a never-ending plague. My writing career seems to be stalled in second gear, as I try to finish a trilogy that has consumed my life for nigh on two years. And real estate prices are raging like a five-alarm fire here in Sacramento. It’s dawning on us that we will probably never own a home again. All of this fills me like a fog on a cold winter’s day. Somehow I need to have hope. Somehow I need to … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: I’m a Trafficker

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Confession time. I’m a trafficker. You may have seen me, lurking around the dark corners of the internet, hand in pocket, waiting to share the drug so many of you desperately need right now. It’s called Hope. Peddling Hope is a dubious business these days. Hope has so much competition – sarcasm, cynicism, gaslighting and outright lies, anger, and fraud. Hope has it tough, what with the four horsemen of the apocalypse loose on the Earth. What chance does little old Hope have? There’s this psychological thing I ran across shortly after the lockdowns started. It’s called “sense of a … Read more