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Point of View: The (Questionable) Wisdom of Writing Four Things at Once

Man with lots of ideas - deposit photos

My therapist thinks I have ADHD tendencies. That’s a fancy way of saying that I’m happiest when I am multitasking. I love round-robining through three different things at once, doing a bit on each until I wrap all of them up with pretty bows on top. Another way of saying this is that I’m a high-functioning ADHDer. I’ve learned to work with those tendencies, and to make them work for me. This came up again recently in my writing life. I’ve been stalled out on my latest WIP, my first “Forever Cycle” novel that seems to have me stuck in … Read more

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Point of View: Cords for Everything (or Why I hate Going Into the Garage)

cords from our garage

Warning: heavy-handed metaphor ahead. Nine and a half months ago, I had an accident that could have snapped my neck. My bike tires slipped on something on the pavement and sent me flying fifteen feet though the air to slam into the concrete sidewalk. As bad as it was – my orthopedic surgeon said the top of my femur looked like it “exploded” – it could have been far worse, and I am properly grateful that it wasn’t. Mark and I decided it was probably time for new bikes – something a little steadier and harder to tip over than … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Feeding My Writer Brain

Books on a Plate - Deposit Photos

It’s been forever since I sat down with a good book and just read the hell out of it. I’m a compulsive worker bee, and these last five years have not been kind to our business, requiring ever more of my time, focus, and energy just to try to keep things running with my husband Mark Reading is one of the things that had to go. There just wasn’t enough time. It’s funny. Writing a novel used to seem like such a daunting thing. Now reading one does. As writers, we feast on words. We absorb them from the world … Read more

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Point of View: In the Weeds

writer brain

It’s official. I’ve gone off the beaten path. I had such great intentions – my book was all plotted out, and I knew exactly how it was going to go, chapter by chapter. Then my writer brain got bored with it all. Writer brains are fickle things. They will insist that there’s nothing there when you sit down to write at a perfectly reasonable time in mid-afternoon. Then they will wake you at midnight because a great idea has been had. A writer’s brain will pour forth a torrent of words, making you feel really good, for once, about being … Read more

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Point of View: Getting Happily Sidetracked

Shiny Thing

OK, so I am knee-deep (or maybe neck-deep) in third drafts for Oberon, my NaNoWriMo sci fi project, prior to sending it out for submission. So what have I spent this last week doing? Writing an entirely new and unrelated project, of course. This is how writer brains work. You have to be at least a little ADD to be one – and often it’s the allure of the next shiny new thing which leads you on to the next story. So what is this new story I speak of? I found out that a friend of mine had submitted … Read more