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Point of View: Bring me Something Good

Good - deposit photos

In the last ten years, life has rained down a crap-ton of shit on our lives. Politics, Covid-19, income inequality, rising prices, and the endless drumbeat of climate change doom. I’m a naturally optimistic person. Sure, life sometimes gets me down, but usually I bounce back up like an inflatable ball plunged underwater in the pool, shooting toward the sky with unlikely exuberance. But lately, even I have a hard time finding my buoyancy. So when that happens, I find it helpful to seek out happy things, hopeful things, joyous things to regain my balance. I’ll share three of my … Read more

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Point of View: Holidays Past

Grandma and Granpa Coatsworth's House

The holidays are almost upon us. These days, they are so much different than they were when I was younger. I was a child and grandchuild of divorce, which did have some benefits. At one point, I had – and I counted them – 10 grandparents, and one year I had five different Christmas celebrations, with all the attendant presents. I cleaned up that year. The main event, though, was always at my grandparents’ house – my dad‘s parents. Grandpa John was a minister in the Disciples of Christ church. He was a good man – a bit closed off … Read more